It's not that we don't have anything to talk about with the kids ... it's just that it's so much fun to have really interesting questions to ask them, things that you might think are "above their heads," but that they actually come up with fascinating answers for. (I know that should be, "things for which they actually come up with fascinating answers," but I'm ignoring it ... more for your sakes than mine. You're welcome, Mel.) The boys enjoy it so much that we have to set a limit of two cards per night, or they'd want to do the whole box at once!
The cards aren't really the point of this post, but I have to say that it's a great thing to do with your family, and we've enjoyed both versions of Table Topics that we have. (We also have the red ones, which are the Original set.) There's a Couples version, a Girls' Night Out version, College, Book Club, Teen ... you get the gist. They make a great hostess gift and -- for teens or college students -- wonderful birthday or graduation gifts. Just a thought!
Anyway, last night at supper we pulled a card that said, "What event in the past or future would you like to experience in person?"
Nathaniel: "Take a rocketship to Mars." [And then he proceeded to give us a detailed five-minute explanation of how the engineers would build the rocketship and how it would get to Mars and how space exploration would continue from there.]
Nicholas: "Win a professional baseball game." [When pressed, he said he meant like a World Series game. Fall Ball starts this weekend, so he's got baseball on the brain.]
Jake: "Rockaship tuh Mahs."
Grayson: "Go back and see what they really used the pyramids for, because they definitely didn't use them for storing dead bodies." [I've said it before and I'll say it again: Back off, ladies, he's mine.]
Me: "Hear Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech."
Grayson: [dumbfounded but joking] "Did you sneak a peek at the card before supper and think about that answer, or did you come up with that on your own just now?"
Me: "That is OFFENSIVE. What? I can't come up with a good answer on my own?"
I'd ACTUALLY be offended, but you know, I can't really blame him. After all, I'm not smart enough to enjoy listening to NPR.