11. "I hate lists."
10. "I didn't bring my camera."
9. "Yummm ... shrimp!"
8. "I can't WAIT to go running!"
7. "I'm giving up sweets for Lent."
6. "Whatever ... I'm not picky."
5. "No, seriously. Let's go camping."
4. "I don't want Mexican; I just had it two days ago."
3. "Unplug TiVo. I'm done."
2. "Bleccch. That's too sweet."
1. "OK, we can name him Tariq."
And, coincidentally, right after I finished this post, I had lunch with my friends Lisa and Laura. Laura asked what we wanted for dessert, and Lisa said, "Nothing chocolatey. I don't feel like chocolate today." So let's just go ahead and chalk that up as Number 12.