While Mommy's working on getting a post together about Christmas, I thought I'd pop in and tell you a little bit about MY Christmas. One day while we were at Aunt Debbie's, I found a piece of paper and a colored pencil. Well, not so much FOUND them as took them away from Jake, but, DETAILS.
I thought for a minute or two about what I wanted to draw.
I had a REALLY great idea, and I started working on it right away. How hard can it be to draw the whole entire route we drove to get there?
As it turns out, kinda hard. I stopped and thought about it some more. Hmm.
I thought maybe if I moistened the paper a little bit, it would make the drawing part a little easier.
Huh. Nope. Surprisingly, makes it even harder.
I gave it another few tries, turning the paper this way and that.
But ultimately I decided to just strip down to my diaper and help Aunt Debbie out by pulling up on her snack cart and unloading everything from it.
Pretty sure my skills were put to better use there.