Jun 27, 2012

One of my favorite weekends of the year

Twice a year, I am privileged to be able to attend a weekend scrapbooking crop, led by my dear friend Laura.

Last weekend, we went to a B&B we'd never been to before (we usually go to the same place every summer, with a different place in the winter), and it was amazing!

I was really impressed with the room the innkeeper had set up for cropping.

Every cropper's six-foot table had task lighting, and she had large fans set up if we needed them for air circulation. The overhead lighting was bright, we had a small fridge stocked with Cokes and a basket full of snacks.

And the French doors looked out onto the lake!

The sunsets were just gorgeous.

My spot is always crowded with my papers, stickers and cutting tools. I don't typically use my laptop while I crop, unless I need to log on and order some extra prints or something.

This is Leslie's spot ... she used her laptop a good bit over the weekend, as did Honor.

We worked well into the wee hours of the morning on both Saturday and Sunday. It is SO wonderful to be able to spend 18 hours a day cropping for two days! (I know that probably sounds like hell to some of you, but it's heaven for me.)

If you're new here, I post about scrapbooking occasionally. I scrapbook mainly using a "block technique," which you can read more about here

Whenever I go to a crop, people ask me to post pictures of some of the pages I worked on, so here are a few from Jake's book:

Several from Amelia's book:

Nathaniel's book:

And Nick's book:

I have a scrapbooking tag in my sidebar if you'd like to read more about my scrapbooking style.

As far as last weekend's crop goes, I had a GREAT time and can't wait for the next one. We adored the Sunset Inn & Retreat and plan to go back for years to come! Innkeeper Randy was a wonderful hostess and terrific chef, and the venue was my favorite that we've ever tried.

If any of my readers ever want to come, let me know! I'd love to meet you, and we get a LOT of scrapbooking done!
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