Back in November, I told you about my friend Cindy, who'd been diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time, she vowed to beat it. Her faith was strong, and her personal outlook was positive.
I am thrilled to tell you that Cindy is doing WONDERFULLY today! She has been through so much over the past six months, and her courage has been nothing short of inspiring.
A couple of weeks ago, our Bunko group participated in the Hoover Relay for Life in honor of Cindy.
Our friend Laura came up with our team name ... The Real Housewives of Birmingham.
Here's Cindy (on the right) with another good friend of mine named Laura, who made delicious chocolate-caramel brownies for the bake sale at Relay.
Laura is expecting her sixth child! Four out of the six times she's been pregnant, I've gotten pregnant, too ... it's practically contagious. I told her from now on when people ask her if they're "done," she has to say, "My friend Kat says we are!"
Many of the women on our team brought decorations for our tent, plus wonderful treats for us to snack on while we hung out.
Cindy's daughter Alex was decked out like the rest of us ... in pink-and-black sass!
This is our ultra-stylish friend Laura with guest of honor Cindy ...
Another one of the Bunko gals, Megan, with Cindy ...
And our Bunko group founder, Susie, with Cindy ...
And our other ultra-stylish friend Doran with Laura ... seriously, these are the two most stylish women I've ever known. They pull off things like peacock feathers and hot-pink boas the way I pull off maternity yoga pants. Which is to say, those things look natural on them.
Doran even made her own fascinator in honor of the royal wedding. If I tried to make one of those, it would look like a kindergarten project. Hers looked professionally made. Not a globlet of hot glue to be seen.
Our tent was decorated with beautiful flowers, coordinated with the color scheme, of course.
We were quite a crew, we ladies in the black dresses and hot-pink boas ... and one pair of black elastic-waist pants. (Can't say I wasn't classing up the place.) (That's me, bottom left, huge forehead and all.)
It was an emotional night for all of us ...
We're so proud of Cindy and her fight against this dreaded disease ... and we're all looking forward to celebrating with her again on her five-year anniversary of health. We know she will triumph over cancer!