Nathaniel is notorious around here for taking such long showers that there's no hot water left for anyone else. The other night when he'd already been in the shower for 15 minutes, I walked in to put some clean towels away.
Me: "Hey, buddy, are you almost done?"
Nathaniel: [cheerfully] "Yep! I'm all the way down to my feet."
I took a few minutes to brush my teeth, wash my face and take my contacts out, then checked back in with him:
Me: "Nathaniel. Are you about ready to get out? I brought your robe in for you."
Nathaniel: "Yep! I'm almost done with my feet."
Me: [blink]
So I think I sort of solved the mystery of what keeps him in the shower for so long ... if he gives every body part the attention he gives his feet, he's the most dedicated bather in the city.
But this brings me to a very important question, one to which I've never really given any thought: In which order do you bathe your parts? I do not wash my feet last, which is why I'm curious. Here's my process ... which involves two washcloths, a loofa, bar soap, body wash and shampoo:
1. Lower lady parts with washcloth #1 and bar soap
2. Hiney with washcloth #1 and bar soap
3. Hair with shampoo (don't rinse)
[then I shave my legs]
4. Upper body with loofa and body wash
5. Lower body (including feet) with loofa and body wash
6. Upper back with loofa and body wash
7. Lower back with loofa and body wash
8. Face with washcloth #2 and bar soap
9. Rinse shampoo out of hair
So like, my feet are clean about halfway through my shower. And it never occurred to me to wonder in what order other people wash their parts, but since the majority of the world seems to eat their hamburgers upside-down, I thought I'd ask. So you don't have to get that specific with me if you're the shy type, but I can't WAIT to hear what you guys have to say in the Comments about this.