1. I bathe my boys twice a week, usually on Wednesday and Sunday (and on any night they have baseball practice). Sometimes it's just once, on Sunday. They don't stink; if they did, I'd bathe them more often.
2. Most nights Nathaniel and Nicholas change into clean clothes and underwear right before bed, and that's what they wear to school the next morning. Talk about a time-saver!
3. Every morning before we leave for school, they grab a Pop-Tart for breakfast. I also send them pre-packaged Cheese Nips and apple juice boxes for their snack.
4. Supper is often Kraft Mac & Cheese, a peanut butter sandwich or Spaghettios. I do have a two-fruit minimum, though.
5. On baseball practice nights, the minivan serves multiple functions as we sit in the ballpark parking lot: a dressing room, an office and a dining room. The boys change into their uniforms, do their homework and eat their supper there. And quite frankly, harkening back to #1 on my list, if I could hook a garden hose up to it, it would serve as a shower, too.
When people ask me some variation of, "How do you work full-time, volunteer at school, stay caught up in your scrapbooks, keep up as Team Mom for two baseball teams, read the bestsellers, take care of your kids, and still manage to blog every day?" This is it. This is the answer. I take shortcuts. Lots of them.
What are YOUR uncomfortable truths?