Sweet Jonah,
It's only been a few days since I saw you, but I'm going through withdrawal. So is Jakey.
I honestly can't believe how much you've changed since last July. That was the first time I met you ... do you remember it? Silly question. (I'm unforgettable.) You were so small, but already a charmer.
It wasn't too long after that that I ate you up at Thanksgiving. I couldn't wait to see your sweet face and those big blue eyes, and you didn't disappoint.
And luckily, I didn't have to wait too long to see you again. Your first birthday was unforgettable, little man. I'm telling you, it was a birthday party the likes of which most 1-year-olds have never seen. And you were a total star!
I loved every minute that I got to spend with you at the house, special, sweet, quiet time.
So of course I couldn't WAIT to see you at the beach again! And you were absolutely adorable. You were happy, content, slept well, laughed at the other kids' antics, and hardly fussed at all. (Unless your mommy left. And then all bets were off.)
Witnessing you handling EB with such grace and fortitude is so inspirational to me.
Watching you love your parents so utterly and completely is so affirming to me.
Seeing you flourish under some of the worst of human circumstances is spiritual to me.
You continue to amaze me, and I feel so privileged to be a part of your life!
Aunt Katherine