Nov 3, 2009

DisneyWatch 2010: It's on!

It's official! Following all of your encouragement about taking the kids to DisneyWorld next year, we decided to do it!

If you follow me on Twitter, I suppose that's not totally "news" to you, since I Tweeted last night that I was working on some Disney details. But it's all terribly exciting for US!

So here's the deal: I am going to be collecting a LOT of information over the next two months, before we travel to Orlando in January. I'm asking for your help -- on Disney Tips Tuesdays -- in a variety of ways, to help make my planning easier and ease my mind a little bit so I don't feel like I've bitten off more than I can chew in trying to plan it in such a short time with all the holidays falling between now and then.

Here's what I've done so far:

1. Book our hotel. Old Key West on Disney property, a two-bedroom condo for us and a studio condo next door for my parents ... who are generously footing the bill and creating all of these wonderful memories for our family!

2. Book our air travel. Thanks to my friend Lisa (a Disney pro, herself), who alerted me to the recent 72-hour fare sale, we were able to get "cheap" round-trip, direct tickets into Orlando at exactly the right time.

And if I were to now start typing the list of things that REMAIN to be done, I would just cry. So I'm not going to do that. I have many, many tabs left in my binder to fill. (And yes, I DO have a binder. If that surprises you in the least, you haven't been reading my blog long enough. WELCOME, NEW READER!)

Over the next many Tuesdays, I will be asking you for recommendations on the following things (so put your thinking caps on!):

Nov. 9:

Nov. 16:
Parks (even if they're not on Disney property)

Nov. 30:

Dec. 1:
Air-travel tips (with kids)

Dec. 8:
Money-saving tips

Dec. 15:
What to carry into the park

Jan. 5:

Jan. 12:
Souvenirs & strollers

If you'll be thinking of all of that stuff (but save it until the day that makes sense), that would be GREAT. If I keep the Comments organized by Tip, it will be so easy to print them out and put them in my binder to pore over at my leisure. (CONTROL FREAK MUCH? Yes, thank you.)

I'm loving how helpful you've been already, since your Comments were weighted so heavily toward, "GO! You'll have a great time! You'll make forever memories and it will be the best trip ever!" I'm really hoping it doesn't end up like Spring Break in high school, where we anticipated it so much that it almost never lived up to the hype.

Somehow I just don't think that's going to be the case. :)
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