We'd hoped to go to the pool, but it drizzled and thundered periodically, and we decided it was way too much work to head down there only to be bumped out of the pool all afternoon because of the weather. Instead, we took a walk around the neighborhood during one of the drier periods (although it did thunder part of the time), then cleaned up and went to an early supper around 5:00.
Just before we left for supper ("WELCOME TO MOOOOOOOOE'S!!"), though, I opened my gifts from my parents and Grayson/the boys.
Grayson and the boys chose two books off of my Amazon wish list, which I'm looking forward to reading. They're a little different than my normal homicide/mystery fare, but I've read good reviews of them over the past year, and I am happy to have something new to enjoy.
Then I opened the gifts from my parents, which started off with two MORE books off of my Amazon wish list. (Yea!)
And THEN, I got to the box that held THIS:
And there was a sharp intake of breath ... I couldn't BELIEVE it! I've been wanting a Kindle for a while, but I never would have bought it for myself.
As I opened each layer of the multi-faceted packaging, I got more and more excited. The packaging, by the way, was like a little gift in itself. Coming from a public relations/marketing background, I pay attention to the way things are presented. And this was REALLY NICE PACKAGING, befitting the gift inside.
This glossy black number contained the instruction booklet and power cord. (The instruction booklet only holds the information to tell you how to charge it initially, because all of the registration, book ordering, etc., is done online. You just can't use the Kindle until it's charged, so that's the reason the booklet exists.)
This beautiful box cover with the imprinted glossy black letters holds THE KINDLE ITSELF.
And HERE'S THE KINDLE! It is so pretty.
It is so thin, and it's really only about the size of a real book ... somewhere between the height and width of a paperback and a hard-cover. But it's much thinner than either of those. So lightweight!
Comparing these two pictures, you can sort of see how it compares to the hard-cover book -- although not really, because I zoomed in closer on the Kindle, which makes it look bigger. What can I say? I was smitten.
Anyway, it was a really fun birthday in what's been kind of a lean year. SO. MUCH. FUN. to be treated to some surprises and to enjoy a full day with the people I love most.
I am blessed!